美国时间1月13日,YANG首个大型公共空间作品「西安丝路国际会议中心」,凭借成功挑战20.7万㎡超大空间设计以及对西安文化的独特演绎,斩获亚太区最具影响力设计奖“2020 Best of Asia Pacific Design Awards”市政/机构类最佳大奖。这是继荣获美国 《室内设计》 颁发“年度最佳设计大奖”后,西安丝路国际会议中心再获殊荣。
On January 13 2021, YANG’s first large-scale public space project - Xi'an Silk Road International Conference Center - won the 2020 Best of Asia Pacific Design Awards in the Municipal/Institutional category. This is another honor the project has gained since the wining of the Best of Year Award by Interior Design.
▲ 西安丝路国际会议中心获国际评委高度赞誉:作品通过十分独特的设计语言,整合广阔而庞大的空间,有着令人难以置信的高雅与气质,精彩绝伦!
▲ YANG设计集团创始人杨邦胜先生在全球颁奖直播中发表获奖感言
Due to the raging COVID-19 pandemic, winners of this year were invited to join the awarding ceremony online and delivered their speeches by video. In his speech, Mr. Yang Bangsheng (Founder of YANG & Associates Group) extended his gratitude to the organizing committee as well as his expectation of working with excellent designers worldwide to make more contributions to the industry.
亚太最佳设计奖(Best of Asia Pacific Design Awards),是由国际室内设计协会(International Interior Design Association)主办的最具行业影响力的赛事之一,至今已连续举办8届,涵盖亚太地区48个国家,旨在甄选与表彰亚太地区室内设计/室内建筑领域的最高创造力和卓越设计。
The Best of Asia Pacific Design Awards is an influential industry competition organized by the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) and has been held for eight consecutive years. Spanning 48 countries in APAC, the Awards aim to honor the most creative and outstanding works in the field of interior design and interior architecture.
国际室内设计协会(IIDA)成立于1994年,由商业设计师机构(IBD)、 国际室内设计师协会(ISID)、联邦室内设计师委员会(CFID)三所设计机构合并而成,目标是建立一个可以代表全球室内设计师的国际协会,拥有超过15,000名会员遍布全球58个国家。
IIDA was founded in 1994 as the result of a merger of the Institute of Business Designers (IBD), the International Society of Interior Designers (ISID), and the Council of Federal Interior Designers (CFID). The goal of the merger was to create an international association that would represent interior designers worldwide. It has networked 15,000+ members across 58 countries.
Xi'an Silk Road International Conference Center
The permanent venue for China’s Belt & Road Summit
The largest and the fullest functional convention hall in China
Integrating history and culture into modern design
Translating the spiritual essence of the ancient capital into perceptible place spirit
To build a modern, bright, artistic and world-class conference center
杨邦胜设计集团(简称YANG)是一家享誉全球的大型创意设计企业,专注国际高端品牌酒店室内设计,总部位于中国深圳,并在纽约、巴黎设有办事机构。1997年由亚太著名酒店设计师杨邦胜先生创立,汇聚500余名设计精英,YANG在国际高端品牌商务酒店设计/度假酒店设计/精品酒店设计/酒店改造翻新设计、地产商业样板房设计/营销售楼处设计、商业办公空间设计/集团总部办公楼设计/5A写字楼设计、酒店整体软装设计/地产软装设计等领域取得骄人成绩,并于2018年荣登美国《INTERIOR DESIGN》世界酒店设计公司百大排名全球第五!电话:13392833168