Architecture Master Prize™ (AMP) 美国建筑大师奖,于近日公布2021年度获奖名单。YANG设计集团深圳国际会展希尔顿酒店,凭借强劲的综合实力,从全球1500多份作品中脱颖而出,获得评委高度认可,再荣获国际设计大奖。
Recently, the Architecture Master Prize™ (AMP) has announced the list of winners of the year 2021. Hilton Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center, designed by YANG & Associates Group, stands out from over 1,500 global entries and wins unanimous recognition of the judge panel by virtue of its strong competitiveness.
Hilton Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention
Hilton Shenzhen World Exhibition & Convention Center is not only a window to display urban culture and beauty, but also a bridge to promote communication and connectivity around the world. The project carries on the spirit of Shenzhen and integrates the owner China Merchants Group’s time-honored shipping culture, exhibition culture and Lingnan culture, aiming to hail the guests from all over the world with a new appearance.
Cultural traditions reflect a city's civilization, order and faith. On the road of design, YANG keeps innovating as well as passing on the traditional culture. We will always uphold our mission - “We make every hotel design an icon of the city”
About Architecture Master Prize™
Architecture Master Prize™(AMP)美国建筑大师奖,由Famani集团创立,前身爲AAP美国建筑奖,是极具权威的世界级建筑奖项之一,爲全球建筑和设计行业树立新的标杆。AMP旨在表彰全球最优秀、最具创意的建筑、室内和景观项目,展现和宣传杰出的设计人才,并突出建筑艺术及科学对于丰富我们日常生活的意义。
The Architecture MasterPrize™ (AMP) was assembled by the Farmani Group. Previously known as the American Architecture Prize (AAP), it is one of the most prestigious architecture prizes in the world, aiming to set a new benchmark for global architectural design industries. The mission of the AMP is to celebrate the most excellent and creative architecture, interior and landscape projects worldwide, introduce talented designers, and demonstrate what architectural art and science mean to our daily life.
Architecture MasterPrize ™(AMP)评审团
杨邦胜设计集团(简称YANG)是一家享誉全球的大型创意设计企业,专注国际高端品牌酒店室内设计,总部位于中国深圳,并在纽约、巴黎设有办事机构。1997年由亚太著名酒店设计师杨邦胜先生创立,汇聚500余名设计精英,YANG在国际高端品牌商务酒店设计/度假酒店设计/精品酒店设计/酒店改造翻新设计、地产商业样板房设计/营销售楼处设计/商业办公空间设计/集团总部办公楼设计/5A写字楼设计、酒店整体软装设计/地产软装设计等领域取得骄人成绩,并于2018年荣登美国《INTERIOR DESIGN》世界酒店设计公司百大排名全球第五!电话:13392833168