

西安丝路国际会议中心荣获IIDA Global Excellence Award全球卓越设计奖大奖

近日,由国际室内设计协会(IIDA)主办,代表全球创意设计最高水准的Global Excellence Award(全球卓越设计奖),在全球线上颁奖直播中隆重公布了第11届赛事最终获奖名单,YANG设计作品「西安丝路国际会议中心」凭借对文化创意的极致追求再获殊荣,夺得机构(市政)类别最高奖。
Recently, the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) announced the winners of the 11th IIDA Global Excellence Awards, which honor the highest level of creativity in international interior design, at the virtual ceremony. YANG’s work - Xi'an Silk Road International Conference Center - became the winner of the Institutional category by virtue of its relentless pursuit of cultural creativity.

西安丝路国际会议中心荣获IIDA Global Excellence Award全球卓越设计奖大奖

This marks the second time that YANG has won the Global Excellence Awards since it became the winner of the Hotels category in 2014.

西安丝路国际会议中心荣获IIDA Global Excellence Award全球卓越设计奖大奖

全球卓越设计奖是国际室内设计协会(IIDA)旗下最具权威性奖项,旨在表彰国际室内设计和室内建筑项目中出色的创意和创造力。IIDA执行副总裁兼首席执行官Cheryl S. Durst表示:“今年的决赛作品将建筑与室内设计和谐地融合在一起,创造了大胆而具有前瞻性的美学。”
As one of the most authoritative awards by IIDA, the Global Excellence Awards aim to celebrate originality and creativity in international interior design and interior architecture projects. “This year’s finalists harmoniously integrate architecture and interior design, creating daring and forward-looking aesthetics,” said IIDA Executive Vice President and CEO Cheryl S. Durst.

At the ceremony, the juror gave the reason for awarding the Xi'an Silk Road International Conference Center the honour: “The beauty and levity of the structure belies the fact that it is a modern feat of engineering at an immense scale. The traditional sino influence in form and pattern is lightly and elegantly executed. The result is a space designed with a nod to the past but a leap into the future. Bravo!”

西安丝路国际会议中心荣获IIDA Global Excellence Award全球卓越设计奖大奖

IIDA is the commercial interior design association with global reach. It has networked over 15,000 members across 58 countries. IIDA advocates for advancement in education, design excellence, legislation, leadership, accreditation, and community outreach to increase the value and understanding of interior design as a profession that enhances business value and positively impacts the health and well-being of people’s lives every day.

杨邦胜设计集团(简称YANG)是一家享誉全球的大型创意设计企业,专注国际高端品牌酒店室内设计,总部位于中国深圳,并在纽约、巴黎设有办事机构。1997年由亚太著名酒店设计师杨邦胜先生创立,汇聚500余名设计精英,YANG在国际高端品牌商务酒店设计/度假酒店设计/精品酒店设计/酒店改造翻新设计地产商业样板房设计/营销售楼处设计商业办公空间设计/集团总部办公楼设计/5A写字楼设计酒店整体软装设计/地产软装设计等领域取得骄人成绩,并于2018年荣登美国《INTERIOR DESIGN》世界酒店设计公司百大排名全球第五!电话:13392833168

