最高荣誉!2020美国MUSE Design Awards揭晓 YANG成唯一双冠王


杨邦胜设计集团中山威斯汀酒店&南京凯宾斯基酒店荣获2020 MUSE Design Awards最高铂金奖

近日全球创意设计领域最具影响力的国际奖项之一, 2020美国MUSE Design Awards获奖名单揭晓,YANG设计集团两大参赛作品《中山威斯汀酒店》、《南京凯宾斯基酒店》从全球50多个国家/地区的15000件参赛作品中脱颖而出,斩获室内设计酒店类


Recently, one of the most influential international awards in the field of global creative design, the winners of the 2020 US MUSE Design Awards were announced, and the two major entries of the YANG Design Group, "The Westin Zhongshan Hotel" and "Kempinski Hotel Nanjing" from the world's 50th Among the 15,000 entries in various countries/regions, it stood out and won the highest honor in the interior design hotel category: the platinum award, the only double crown in cost.

2020美国MUSE Design Awards获奖名单揭晓_中山威斯汀酒店&南京凯宾斯基酒店

▲ YANG成本届唯一双冠王

2020 MUSE Design Awards_杨邦胜设计集团酒店作品荣获最高荣誉铂金奖

MUSE Design Awards创办于美国纽约,由历史悠久的国际奖项协会International Awards Associates(IAA)主办,旨在发掘和表彰建筑、室内、时尚等六大设计领域的杰出者,以严格的评审体系和高质量的评判标准著称,每年吸引众多全球知名品牌与设计师争相参与。

MUSE Design Awards was founded in New York, USA, and is sponsored by the long-standing International Awards Associates (IAA). It aims to discover and honor outstanding people in the six design fields of architecture, interior and fashion, with a strict evaluation system and high quality. The evaluation standard is well-known, attracting many well-known global brands and designers to compete for participation every year.

2020 MUSE Design Awards_杨邦胜设计集团酒店作品荣获最高荣誉铂金奖

特别值得一提的是精美的MUSE奖杯可以说是众多国际设计竞赛中最为吸引眼球和关注的,奖杯由著名的全球奖、艾美奖及MTV奖的生产商承制,MUSE奖杯不仅仅是国际创意水平的认可荣誉, 更是一件独特的艺术精品。

It is particularly worth mentioning that the exquisite MUSE trophy can be said to be the most eye-catching and attention in many international design competitions. The trophy is produced by the famous global award, Emmy and MTV award manufacturers. The MUSE trophy is not only an international The recognition honor of the creative level is a unique art product.

2020 MUSE Design Awards_奖杯


The awards are divided into platinum, gold, silver, rose gold and nomination awards according to grade. In the end, only works with top aesthetics and concepts will have the opportunity to obtain the limited-customized "Muse Statue Trophy".

中山威斯汀酒店&南京凯宾斯基酒店收到2020 MUSE Design Awards奖杯

▲ 受全球疫情影响,遗憾无法参加颁奖典礼,YANG收到评审委员会从海外寄来的两座精美的缪斯女神奖杯


The 2020 MUSE Goddess Trophy symbolizes the pursuit of perfect art, while highlighting excellence and wisdom. Integrating the combination of ancient Greek culture and modern creativity, the Muse trophy not only marks great achievements, glory and victory, it is also a symbol of creativity and the inheritance of ancient and modern creative culture.


The Westin Zhongshan
2020缪斯设计奖铂金奖 — 中山威斯汀酒店

中山威斯汀酒店_2020 MUSE Design Awards 铂金奖获奖作品

中山威斯汀酒店_2020 MUSE Design Awards 铂金奖获奖作品


南京凯宾斯基酒店_2020 MUSE Design Awards 铂金奖获奖证书

Kempinski Hotel Nanjing
2020缪斯设计奖铂金奖 — 南京凯宾斯基酒店

2020 MUSE Design Awards 铂金奖获奖作品_南京凯宾斯基酒店

2020 MUSE Design Awards 铂金奖获奖作品_南京凯宾斯基酒店

相关阅读:2020 DNA Pairs Design Awards揭晓 YANG两大酒店设计作品斩获荣耀奖

杨邦胜设计集团(简称YANG)是一家享誉全球的大型创意设计企业,专注国际高端品牌酒店室内设计,总部位于中国深圳,并在纽约、巴黎设有办事机构。1997年由亚太著名酒店设计师杨邦胜先生创立,汇聚500余名设计精英,YANG在国际高端品牌商务酒店设计/度假酒店设计/精品酒店设计/酒店改造翻新设计地产商业样板房设计/营销售楼处设计商业办公空间设计/集团总部办公楼设计/5A写字楼设计酒店整体软装设计/地产软装设计等领域取得骄人成绩,并于2018年荣登美国《INTERIOR DESIGN》世界酒店设计公司百大排名全球第五!电话:13392833168


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